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Asia Pacific

Discover how Elim Global is empowering churches and communities across Asia Pacific to bring hope and transformation through the Gospel.

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  • Elim Pakistan

    Our History: We (Hanoch and Christina Munir) were living in England when God called us to leave UK and return to our homeland Pakistan. We could have stayed in England, its safer and more comfortable compared to our native land but we thought it better to obey God. Shortly after moving back to Pakistan the ministry of Pakistan Gospel Mission (PGM) was birthed in 2012. It has not been an easy journey for us as we have faced many hardships and sacrifices for the gospel. Through trial and perseverance we have seen God do wonderful things, the ministry of PGM has expanded and is now operating in all over Pakistan. 

    The Vision and Mission: 

    • In disadvantaged communities and for lost in Pakistan,

    • PGM works to bring hope and Remains Committed To, 

    • Taking The Gospel To The Indigenous, 

    • Helping The Broken & Marginalized 

    • Planting Churches & Training Believers 

     An overview 

    • 60 New Churches/Fellowships Planted.

    • 3 Word and Spirit School of Theology/Ministry are up running.

    • 4,250 + People Impacted Through Pastoral Training.

    • 970+ Poor Children are Receiving Education (Mostly from brick kilns) 

    • 3 Safe Homes for vulnerable Girls and boys.

    • Rescuing families and children from slavery and bonded labor.

    • 21 Sewing Schools were opened.

    • 1 Health Centre to serve vulnerable people, children and women in need.

    • 1 Vocational Training Centre (Under Construction)

    • 20 water pumps has been installed to provide clean drinking water 

    • Countless poor people, widows were assisted with care, food, clean water, shelters and were served with Love of God during crises, earthquakes, and floods.

    Value of our connection to Elim Global: Our connection to Elim Global was established through our friend in the UK and Rev. Paul Hudson, International Mission Director by then, came to Pakistan in 2017. And since then Elim Global has been helping us to understand the value of wider and global family as a body of Christ. 

    Connection to Elim Global is inspiring and Power of God’s presence in ministry: We believe we have been called by God to impact the nation in Pakistan. Since the Holy Spirit has created this relationship we are believing on God's supper natural power working in all aspects of our lives, in our relationship and in ministries that we have been entrusted by God and by His Spirit. 

    We have been encouraged by Elim Global as we are working in very challenging situation. We know whenever we are in hard situation there are people who are praying for us, standing along, standing in gaps and also showing their love in practical ways. Since we have become the part of Elim family we never felt alone, we never found ourselves fighting the battles lone and on our own. And we have seen God has brought many people come across to strengthen our faith to face the day. So we value Elim Global as shepherd who cares for his sheep. And that has always encouraged us, strengthened our faith, and always reminding us that we are loved and cared by God through His people at Elim Global.

    New Relationship: Through Elim Global we have been connected with countless people around the world. We have met many people during conferences, we have learned other cultures, we have met and learned from others' experiences and we have now friends all over the world through Elim Global.

    Shared Sorrows and Joys: We remember once we were left by a group of
    people who pulled off their financial support which was covering most of our
    personal and ministry’s needs. That time we were in Cambodia attending Elim
    Asia Conference. We were so worried how we would survive. But we received a
    lot of prayers, encouragement and practical support from Elim Global. And that
    wasn't only money we received but the love and pastoral care received was
    priceless and was more valuable for us. And to date Elim Mission, UK is supporting us financially. Particularly, Grace school where over 340 children are getting
    education in a very Christian environment. 

    Most of children in the school are coming out of slavery and forced labor in brick factories and are from very poor families.

    Elim New Zealand: We remember when we first met Elim New Zealand's leaders in Cambodia, we received a lot of love, care, input and we were really glad to see our first friends from that part of the world. Since we have connected with Elim New Zealand, we have seen Elim New Zealand very responsive, caring, and loving and obviously we count Elim NZ very potential Kingdom partner.

    Particularly, during crises both Elim New Zealand and Elim UK have showed their care and love for our nation through their generous giving.
    Mentorship during Covid-19: We really appreciate Elim Global leders’ input during this season of Covid-19, Elim Global has been in touch with us to see how they could serve Elim Asia well. We really appreciate their time, prayers and support over the past many years. 

    So, finally we are so blessed, honored and privileged to be a part of Elim family. And we are looking forward to growing in our relationship with Elim Global. Particularly, we are excited how God would use us together to lighten up the darkest places in this country. Thanks Elim Global for your input, your prayers, your support and encouragement, it is much appreciated and valuable. 

    Despite challenges, concerns, and even threats, we are amazed at what God has done in last 11 years and God is opening new doors in Pakistan. As God is protecting us and allowing us to reach many more people and we ate looking ahead, and are excited about fresh opportunities for 2024 and beyond.

    Elim Global is a blessing as we are coming together with similar vision for Kingdom. 

    Hanoch and Christina Munir 

    Elim Pakistan

  • Global Ekklesia Ministries International Inc. (GEMII) - Philippines


    GEMII was founded in February 2005 by Mark and Cora King (Ealing Christian Centre UK, and then Elim missionaries), and Jen Peñas, (Cebu, Philippines).

    GEMII was formally registered with the Security Exchange Commission of the Philippines and is also a member of the Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches.

    The first church was planted when Cora, a nurse at the time, together with some the indigenous workers, organized a medical mission in the mountain area of Danao, Cebu. An old lady who was treated and prayed for, received healing which led to the team being invited to the lady’s house for a meal. A strong relationship was formed with the lady and her husband and extended family. Through frequent visitation, the team shared the Gospel to the family and they received Christ and, in turn, asked the team to teach them the word of God. This was a true ‘Man (woman) of peace moment!

    A Bible study group soon developed, with the family inviting their friends and neighbors to join – this led to the first church being planted and the first place of worship being built. 

    After four years of renting land, GEMII purchased its own land and a building, including a place of worship and offices, was developed. (Today this is GEMII HQ). 

    During the King Family’s 8 year stay in the Philippines, they were asked by the then Elim IMD, to register GEMII as an Elim Global Partner –and shortly after GEMII was accepted. 

    Jen Peñas was made the Elim Global Leader for the Visayas region of the Philippines by Paul Hudson.

    Mark King continues to sit on the GEMII board and regularly visits the Philippines to encourage, train and equip leaders as GEMII progresses through the Mission and Vision given by the Lord.

    In 2013, a second church was planted in the city of Danao after a short-term mission team from ECC UK also led by Mark and Cora King, held an outreach in the heart of the city. Global Ekklesia Danao (GED) was planted as a result, eventually purchasing land and erecting a place of worship for the church to gather and reach out to the local community.

    In the days following the devastation of the super typhoon Haiyan in November 2013, the GEMII team reached out to the most affected areas with emergency tents and packs in order to help the most-needy. 

    Following this, an ERA trip comprising, Paul Hudson (Elim IMD at that time), John Martin, Mark and Cora King, made a visit to the Philippines to access where the relief funds could be utilized most effectively. 

    Hundreds of individuals were helped and over 52 homes were either rebuilt or repaired in two islands (Cebu and Leyte), where GEMII workers are situated. 

    As a result, work was formed in a place called Dulag in Leyte and a church planted in Daan Banyan in northern Cebu.

    Up until this time, GEMII’s church planting model had been operating under an additional style model, which was working well – developing disciples and leaders and releasing a number of them into ministry. 

    However, the heart and passion of the GEMII leaders was to seek a way to rapidly saturate the Philippines and surrounding nations with the gospel.

    The Holy Spirit began to speak to the GEMII leaders about the way the early church spread like wildfire and how this was achieved via the house church strategy, whist still meeting regularly in the temple. 

    So, in 2017, GEMII started training its key workers to develop an Acts-style church planting strategy based on (Acts 2:42-47). Little did we know that a global pandemic would hit two years later preventing ‘additional style churches’ from meeting. 

    In other words, God had GEMII thinking ‘ahead of the game!’

    When the pandemic hit, GEMII was well placed to start the transition from additional, (building-based) church planting, to a house church model. Leaders were not only ready to run houses churches, but now were operating with an Acts mindset of making disciple-makers who reproduce disciple-makers. And it didn’t stop there! Some of these disciple-makers have been raised to plant new reproducing churches, (we call them Gospel Communities) – by training and releasing leaders. 2 Tim. 2:2 was now in full-flow!

    God had given GEMII a fresh mission which was:

    Making reproducing disciples, planting multiplying Gospel communities, developing reproducing leaders, to reach nations – (people groups).

    As well as GEMII being ideally placed to transition, literally over-night, during this lockdown period, and thanks to Zoom, GEMII received regular training by Mark King and Iain Hesketh, (Elim IMD), to help develop and progress the whole process.

    As an organization we are now penetrating 33 various communities over four regions – in both rural and urban contexts. We are successfully spreading God’s word, making disciple-makers, and planting Gospel Communities.

    Our prayer and aim is for GEMII to develop into a church planting movement (CPM), utilizing the vehicle of rapidly reproducing Gospel Communities that will spread throughout the Philippines and surrounding nations for the glory of God.

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