Elim Global is a network of Pentecostal Church Denominations, Movements and Ministries that plant and grow churches, make disciples, train leaders and reach nations.
Elim Global Network’s primary purpose is to enable Elim to be more effective in global mission and outreach. We seek to engage and enable every part of the Elim family across the world to join together in extending the Kingdom of God into all nations.
Where is it?
In the nations of Albania, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Cote D’Ivoire, Cambodia, Cameroon, China, Congo, Ethiopia, Estonia, Eswatini, France, Germany, Ghana, Guyana, Hong Kong, Honduras, Indonesia, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malawi, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Rwanda, Samoa, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, UAE, UK, Vietnam.
Within these 50 nations there are just short of 100 different Denominations, Movements and Ministries, representing over 4000 churches.
What keeps us together?
● Pentecostal Doctrine – holding to the Elim Foundational Truths.
● Great Commission – We are united in this mission of Christ.
● Love for each other – There are no contracts; no subscriptions; we have only love for one another.

How is it led?
Elim UK, with support from Elim NZ, have been the main sponsors and administrators of Elim Global so far in its short history but now this responsibility has been moved to the Elim Global Network Board. This board is comprised of Regional Team representatives from our partners around the world and invited “Apostolic” pastors and leaders, who meet two times a year with the primary focus on working on the broader vision/strategy largely shaped in response to regional feedback and developments. Together they plan and oversee the development and strengthening of our Elim Global mission.
The board functions through two main ways:
Centrally - It focuses on keeping an overview of Elim Global around the world and helping the network to flourish.
Reviewing regional reports and conferences
Providing advice and guidance
Promoting the values of the network
Assisting as required with any partnership issues
Regionally - we have developed teams from the board to provide the following
Organise and deliver regional conferences
Communicate with partners
Process applications to Elim Global
Develop a regional strategy
Provide accountability
Regional teams operate in 5 areas. Europe, South & Central America, Africa, SAARC, Asia & Pacific. The Elim UK General Superintendent, with support from the Elim NZ National Leader, has overall responsibility for Elim Global and appoints board members.
What are the values of that leadership?
Servant hearted - our network exists to serve, support and strengthen our partners and to set an example of Christ like attitudes in our relationships and our partnership together. We want to demonstrate humility and honour in our working together.
Spirit led - we want our partnership to be characterised by a reliance upon the person and work of the Holy Spirit. We believe that our Pentecostal heritage is the starting place for our future and want to experience the presence and leading of the Spirit in our churches and movements as we dream together.
Partnership - we believe that every partner has something to contribute to our mission. That together we are able to achieve more, go further and take more territory. We realise that each one has a contribution to make no matter what their context and value the synergy that partnership brings to the mission.
Relational - our network seeks to provide an environment in which partners can find friendship and fellowship to support and encourage them in the work they are doing for the Lord where they are. We believe that relationships with like-minded people, provides a fertile environment in which to find strength and purpose..
Accountability - we believe that relationship provides us with the proper context in which we are able to be accountable to one another. We want our partnership to be strong enough that we are willing to be accountable to one another in some of the key areas of our partnership such as money, morals and mission. This accountability enables us to trust one another and to work together with confidence in the purposes of God.

How does it stay together?
We connect regionally and nationally through online; in-person; telegram/whatsapp; conferences; visits.
What of our future?
To encourage the 4 priorities to be seen in a variety of different models and within all the cultures Elim are in.
How? Not one denomination, movement or ministry has it all. We need each other for the sharing of stories, experiences and discipleship models of which there are many. Our future is better together doing exactly just this.
Encourage what is already happening; train and release more CPM practitioners; learn together.